Porridge vs. Oatmeal: Comparison of How They Are Made and Health Benefits

The original article  from points out some important health benefits of both porridge and oatmeal. Please read more to get the scoop on all of the health benefits of these delicious and nutritious grain-based dishes  . . . Porridge is a mixture of any grain, cereal, or legume boiled in water, milk, or broth. It [...]

So Much to Explore

We're all about families cooking healthy meals together, but there is so much more to explore when it comes to shaping your family's healhy life. To help you achieve your healthy goals, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College offers personal enrichment and healthy living classes.   You can learn about gardening, try yoga, pick up a new language or [...]

What’s in a Superfood?

You may think superfoods are what all of the superheroes eat to keep healthy. Actually, they are some of the best foods we can eat on a regular basis to keep ourselves going at an optimal level.  Here's more about what makes certain foods so super: You’ve probably heard the term “superfood” in reference [...]

4 Workout Mistakes Upping Your Risk of Getting Sick This Season

On the NC Research Campus, we are lucky to have investigators like David Nieman, DrPH, who runs the Appalachian State University Human Performance Laboratory. He is well-respected for his research in sports nutrition and immunology. That's why he is often quoted in articles like this one originally published by Prevention Magazine. The recipe for keeping colds [...]